
Best email client for gmail on windows 10
Best email client for gmail on windows 10

best email client for gmail on windows 10

Scroll to Undo send and select the desired interval, from 5 to 30 seconds.Once it leaves the inbox, you can’t unsent it. It’s not a recall similar to what you can sometimes do in Outlook. You can undo the sending for just a few seconds. This is a staple of Gmail: the option to undo a message sent by mistake. 1 – Undo Sending a Message in Gmail, Because It’s OK to Change Your Mind These Gmail tricks and hacks are explained using the browser version, but most of them also apply to the Android and iOS apps.

best email client for gmail on windows 10

That’s just plain functionality, nothing more. So no “tricks” about how to change the look of your inbox. So, I won’t cover basic stuff that any email client or webmail service can do. There are tons of tricks, hacks, hidden functionality, and functions baked into Gmail that you can’t find anywhere else, but here’s a list of those that I use most, plus a few others that are equally important, but don’t always fit into my workflow.

  • 1.10 10 – Best Gmail Hack: Infinite Email Aliases.
  • 1.9 9 – Send and Receive Emails from Other Accounts in Gmail.
  • 1.8 8 – Filter Messages by Size in Gmail.
  • best email client for gmail on windows 10

    1.7 7 – Translate Incoming Messages in Gmail.1.6 6 – Send Confidential Emails with Gmail: Messages Can’t be Downloaded, Forwarded, Copied, Printed.1.5 5 – Snooze Messages in Gmail, so You Can Procrastinate Properly.1.4 4 – How to Mute Conversations in Gmail When You Want to Take a Break.1.3 3 – Save and Reuse Reply Templates in Gmail.1.2 2 – Schedule an Email in Gmail to Be Sent Automatically at a Specific Date and Time.1.1 1 – Undo Sending a Message in Gmail, Because It’s OK to Change Your Mind.Without much further ado, here’s a list of the most important Gmail Hacks and Tricks that can boost your productivity. If you’re privacy-conscious, you’re probably boiling right now, but this article is not about privacy or Google’s views on this matter, but about the functionality hidden inside Gmail, which makes it the best email client for me (and a few billion folks, for that matter). Add to this the tight integration with Google’s own services, which I use, and it’s hard to imagine a day when I’ll stop using Gmail. Gmail in the browser plus the Android/iOS app can replace Outlook without a doubt for most of us, even for some power users. It’s not just the best webmail service, but probably the best email client, period, as you can receive and send messages from multiple accounts, not just from your address. Gmail was that good and, you know what, it still is for me. They still remind me from time to time to log to preserve my account. In a few short weeks, I’ve stopped using Yahoo almost completely. That was unheard of back then and it was a huge deal.

    Best email client for gmail on windows 10